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Inlägg postade av JoWa

  1. On 2021-10-30 at 17:58, JoWa sade:

    Implementing Global Privacy Control

    Stöd för GPC kommer i Firefox 95. :)

    Och i Firefox 120, som nu är beta, finns en inställning för Global Privacy Control i about:preferences#privacy. 🙂

    Firefox now supports a UI setting that enables a user to opt-in into GPC, a privacy signal that tells the websites that the user doesn’t want to be tracked and doesn’t want their data to be sold.


  2. New release: Tor Browser 13.0

    This is our first stable release based on Firefox ESR 115, incorporating a year’s worth of changes shipped upstream. As part of this process we’ve also completed our annual ESR transition audit, where we review Firefox’s changelog for issues that may negatively affect the privacy and security of Tor Browser users and disable any problematic patches where necessary. Our final reports from this audit are now available in the tor-browser-spec repository on our Gitlab instance.

    Particularly notable are the accessibility improvements we’ve gained as a result of the transition to Firefox ESR 115. While eagle-eyed users may notice small visual changes to the user interface (for example, internal links are now underlined), Tor Browser 13.0 is our first release to inherit the redesigned accessibility engine introduced by Mozilla in Firefox 113. This change promises to improve performance significantly for people who use screen readers and other assistive technology.

  3. Built for Privacy: Partnering to Deploy Oblivious HTTP and Prio in Firefox

    Oblivious HTTP (IETF)

    This document describes Oblivious HTTP, a protocol for forwarding encrypted HTTP messages. Oblivious HTTP allows a client to make multiple requests to an origin server without that server being able to link those requests to the client or to identify the requests as having come from the same client, while placing only limited trust in the nodes used to forward the messages.
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