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Inte så störande, MEN det tar likförbenat ca 5 -10 sekunder att öppna Spotify. Det gjorde det inte förut. Har inte världens modernaste dator (p4, 3.0 GKz, 2,5GB minne; XP), + nyinstallerad dator. Störande men inte livsviktigt.

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Hm, efter inloggning kommer jag åt spelaren direkt, och min CPU är ett snäpp långsammare än din. ;)

Arbetar hårddisken under dessa sekunder? Hur stor Spotify-cache har du? Är den defagmenterad? Jag har märkt att cachen är väldigt framgneterad om den inte defragmenteras. Jag har flyttat cachen till en annan disk, för att minska fragmenteringen på systemdisken. Det gör du i Preferences (Ctrl + P), om du nu har en disk/partition att flytta den till. Där kan du också begränsa storleken. Annars kan du helt enkelt radera cachen.

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Alltså jag vill bara säga att jag precis laddade hem den. Installerade som vanligt, startade igen, 100% fungerande direkt, exakt allt på plats som innan.

Dock verkar det vara annan reklam i detta bygget? Är det mer grafisk reklam? Hoppas det :D

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Ny version är tillgänglig: (signerad den 30 mars 2009, 10:19:12) ;)

Spotify 0.3.12

March 31, 2009

We are now rolling out Spotify 0.3.12 with the long-awaited fix for scrobbling on mac and scrambling of proxy passwords. As mentioned earlier we have also included more download links and a Spanish translation as well as a fix for some character encoding problems.


Får också rätta ett påstående i första inlägget: Det finns en uppdateringsfunktion, och SpotifyUpgrader.exe läggs tillfälligt i en tempmapp. Däremot kan man inte manuellt söka efter uppdateringar inifrån programmet, och e-son hade ju version 0.3.9. :unsure:

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hur bra är detta programet? jag har applyat för en invite. om någon kan och vill kan någon skicka mig en invite..

Fungerar rätt väl, tycker jag, efter att ha använt det ett par veckor. Inte perfekt, förstås, och musikutbudet har sina brister. Men att få tillgång till all den musik som erbjuds, gratis (men med reklam) är en höjdare. :)

men asså hur mycket skräp för detta programet med sig?

I programfönstret visas reklamskyltar rätt ofta. Ljudreklamen har dock minskat i senaste versionen, upplever jag. Vill du inte ha reklam, betala 99 kr/månad. ;)

Något skräp följer dock inte med programmet. Det består av programfilen Spotify.exe. När du sedan börjar att lyssna, laddas musiken ned till en cache, för att du inte skall behöva ladda ned samma musik flera gånger.

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ok.. tro jag ska tästa det.. men har inte fått nån invite änn.. hur länge måste man vänta? 1-2 månader eller?

Det tycker jag absolut du ska göra. Det är ju gratis och även om du inte gillar det så vet du iaf vad alla snackar om sen. :)

Testa al6 länk ovan, skulle de ha hunnit ta slut så googla på spotify invites eller något sådant så hittar du massor med sidor som delar ut invites varje dag.

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Fler som upplever att det har blivit fler avbrott? I dag översvämmas man av störande meddelanden och reklam. :angry: Och de där fåniga meddelandena från telefonsvararen, som följs av en uppmaning att ringa och berömma Spotify. Vill de att vi skall sluta använda tjänsten? :unsure:

F.ö. ville spotify.exe vid start ändra registernyckeln

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved\{D655D7D1-85F0-48c6-9DA7-A7304EC1E6D6}

Någon som har en susning om varför? :unsure: Jag blockerade senaste gången…

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vet inte.. hadde massa problem igår tappade kontakten med servern med mera.. massa reklam.. men jag har free också :P men så mycket reklam ska vara OLAGLIGT!

vet inte varför spotify ville ändra den nyckeln.. kan du porta den här så ja kan kolla på den? kanske gör något som den inte ska göra.. spotify menar jag..

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Förmodligen vill den bara integrera sig med skalet som allt annat gör.


Mm, trodde att det skulle resultera i något synligt, t.ex. en post i en högerklicksmeny. :unsure: Minns inte att jag fick en sådan förfrågan för förra versionen. Inte för att det oroar mig, jag var bara nyfiken. ;)


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Alltså jag bara startade Spotify så uppdaterade den automatiskt och nu har jag den senaste, så visst fungerar uppdateringen nu iaf.

Såg länken plun gav och det låter ju riktigt bra! Nu slipper man förmodligen vara bunden till just Spotify-klienten och kan då tex höra på spotify genom Windows Media Center, om Microsoft då gör en "codec" för Spotify med hjälp av detta biblioteket, med mera... :)

Man lär ju nu kunna implementera stöd för spotify i allt från bilar till mp3-spelare ;)

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Alltså jag bara startade Spotify så uppdaterade den automatiskt och nu har jag den senaste, så visst fungerar uppdateringen nu iaf.

Samma här! :)

Det var nog bara som inte kom som automatisk uppdatering. Den ersattes strax av, som kom automatiskt. ;) Drog en förhastad slutsats utifrån… :rolleyes:

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Sedan jag installerade senaste versionen så får jag varje gång jag startar Spotify upp en File Download ruta som frågar om jag vill öppna eller spara filen flashdetect.swf

Uppdaterade automatiskt här också och därefter var problemet ovan som jag och många andra hade fixat, det tackar vi för.

Men annars inte en enda synlig förändring som vanligt, det vore väldigt intressant med en changelog så man kunde sa vad de gör. Tröttnar allt mer på det iom avsaknaden av fundamentala funktioner.

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Spotify 0.2.1

November 23, 2007

We’ve released version 0.2.1 of the client, fixing a few bugs and adding some minor features.

On the Mac:

• Search results are now grouped on track.

• A spinning throbber is shown when waiting for views to load.

• Nice yellow error messages are shown in case of problems.

And on Windows:

• Hovering over the “My music”/”Play queue” header with a draggable

object will switch between views.

Spotify 0.2.3

December 19, 2007

We released a new version of Spotify today. We have mostly fixed bugs, but some of the changes are things you may notice.

On the Mac:

The artist view has had a lot of changes under the hood. A lot of small issues have been fixed and the entire view should be faster

over all.

Spotify displays an error message if you try to open invalid URIs.

You can drag cover art images.

Spotify uses the sRGB color space. This means that the player looks a bit darker than before.

When viewing the biography an artist image (if available) is shown even if the biography text is very short.

Spotify avoids saving passwords if password saving is disabled.

Rows in the artist view are no longer selected when cover art images are clicked (or right-clicked).

On Windows:

Spotify cleans up state on uninstall and informs the user if Spotify

is still running.

Common to both platforms:

You can drag and drop the currently playing track, as shown above the position indicator at the bottom of the Spotify window, or

right-click it to bring up a context menu.

The login window (again) shows a message when Spotify is upgraded.

Spotify no longer skips the first track of a playlist when it is selected as the current playlist.

We are also happy to announce that Spotify runs better than ever under Wine. Most of the graphical glitches have been removed and the

menus respond better to clicks.

Spotify 0.2.4

January 15, 2008

We released a new version of Spotify today, mostly consisting of changes under the hood, but there are a few bug fixes as well.

On the Mac:

Spotify now scrolls down to view the currently playing song when “Now Playing” is clicked.

Spotify now remembers sort order for playlists and marks sort order in the list headers when visiting a sorted playlist.

Auto-upgrade in Leopard has been sped up considerably. This will not be visible until the next client upgrade.

A bug causing right-clicked playlists to become selected was fixed.

A bug that sometimes caused shared playlists to look like ordinary playlists was fixed.

On Windows:

A bug preventing Spotify links to be opened from Internet Explorer 7 was fixed.

Spotify 0.2.6

February 14, 2008

We released a new version of Spotify yesterday. Some bugs were fixed and a new linking mode was introduced. It is now possible to

link to positions in tracks, such as Jimi Hendrix’s famous guitar solo in Little Wing. If you want to create such a link, just append

a hash mark followed by the position to the Spotify URI, like this: spotify:track:0x6sp8GeimTiAUVGkp3ZGv#1:40.

Other changes include:

User settings can be changed.

We mark all collaborative playlist (including your own) with a padlock icon.

Spotify for Windows can upload crash reports.

Fixed bugs include:

A crash bug that was triggered by playlist deletion.

The way Spotify handles positions in lists has been changed. This should solve some of the bugs related to modifying playlists.

Spotify now behaves much better on two screens.

We also allow under-age users to sign up for Spotify if they have their guardian’s consent.

Spotify 0.2.7

February 29, 2008

We released a new version of Spotify this week. Except for a few bug fixes there should be no visibile changes in the client:

A bug causing playlist changes to be lost or lists to hang in a “Loading…” state was fixed.

When playing playlists with shuffle active, the first track will no longer be the same every time.

When deleting tracks in a sorted list, the selection will now move to the next track in the sorted order, not in the unsorted order.

Spotify 0.2.9

April 3, 2008

We released a new version of Spotify today. The most visible changes for version 0.2.9 are on the Mac:

Spotify for Mac and Windows now have the same graphical user interface. As a consequence, some previously Windows-only features are

now available on the Mac.

Spotify no longer hangs on auto-update. The new and improved updater will only manifest itself once we update from 0.2.9.

Spotify links can be dropped on the Spotify icon in the dock.

Spotify supports the media keys on newer Apple keyboards.

Cover art images are prefetched in the radio mode.

Spotify 0.2.10

April 15, 2008

We just released Spotify 0.2.10.

These are some of the changes since 0.2.9:

The color schema has been changed as a first step towards a new design.

A bug that made the application forget about playlist owners has been fixed.

A bug that crashed Spotify when the play queue was opened after starting Spotify has been fixed.

The Mac crash reporter has been reworked.

The delete and play buttons in the playlist list have been removed.

A bug that occurred when resizing album cover art images on the Mac has been fixed.

The shuffle behavior has been changed so that when playing a playlist and shuffle is active, the playlist is reshuffled, and the

first track played is not the same every time.

A bug that broke URIs to playlists has been fixed.

Ctrl-click can be used instead of right-click or two-finger-click on the Mac (again).

The playlist deletion confirmation button is now red.

We also fixed a few additional crash bugs which we knew of thanks to the crash reporting system.

Spotify 0.2.11

April 23, 2008

We just released Spotify 0.2.11. Changes since the previous version:

Multi-disc albums are displayed as multiple discs rather than separate albums (or a very long album).

Spotify for the Mac uses the key chain for storing passwords again.

The symbol highlighting the currently played track in a list of tracks is a triangle again.

Spotify links work also when Spotify is not running.

A bug that caused the login window to expand over the entire screen is fixed.

Logging in and searching using non-western characters works in Spotify for Windows too.

Spotify 0.2.12

May 9, 2008

We just released Spotify 0.2.12. For this version of Spotify:

The graphics for the play/pause control buttons has been updated.

The information for the unavailable albums has been changed.

More category dividers have been added to the artist pages.

Context menus have been added for the artist title on artist and album pages.

A bug causing links to positions in tracks to crash Spotify has been fixed.

The not-available text is no longer displayed above every disc in an unavailable album.

And most notably, a new start page with top lists has been added. It is available from the Start Page link in the left pane. You can

view top tracks, albums and artists both globally and for yourself. Play around with the controls!

Spotify 0.2.13

May 21, 2008

Today we released Spotify 0.2.13.

A number of bugs have been fixed, and Spotify now pauses when waking up from hibernation. This is nice if you happen to leave in a

hurry for a presentation, quickly closing your laptop lid while Spotify is blasting your favorite inappropriate tunes at full volume,

and then opening it in front of your important business partners.

Spotify 0.2.14

June 10, 2008

We have released Spotify 0.2.14. In this version there are a few visible changes:

A new view has been added to visualize the play queue.

Growl support has been added.

The graphics for the tabs has been changed.

The entire footer area has been polished.

The area showing which track is currently playing has been moved.

The white borders have been removed from all artist images except in biographies.

The Play Queue is a list of tracks that will be played before any other music. It can be used for out-of-order playback of tracks

without interrupting the flow of the music. Queued tracks can be seen in white in the Play Queue view. The grey tracks are from the

view that was playing before tracks were added to the Queue and illustrate future playback once the Play Queue runs out. Queue tracks

by selecting “Queue” in a track’s context menu or by dragging tracks to the Play Queue.

Growl is a notification system for Mac OS X, that applications can use when they want to tell you something — in the case of Spotify,

that a new song started playing. Growl is highly customizable — you decide what notifications you want, how they look, how long they

stay on your screen, and so on.

Spotify 0.2.15

June 19, 2008

This week we released Spotify 0.2.15. Nothing exciting this time, mostly changes in the backend and minor bug fixes.

Dropping a link to a playlist, artist or an album on the play queue will cause Spotify to play future tracks from that source.

History now shows the currently playing track as well.

The shuffle and repeat button graphics have been updated.

Spotify 0.3.0

July 2, 2008

We have just released a version of Spotify with an entirely new streaming protocol. This will allow us to build an efficient

distribution system that we can scale to a much larger number of users, eventually letting you share Spotify with all your friends.

While introducing the new streaming protocol, we have also switched to the Ogg Vorbis codec, giving you higher-quality music without

using more bandwidth.

This is a big step for us, but since this is relatively untested code, please bear with us (and let us know!) if there are any

issues, such as increased latency, missing songs or lost connections.

There is also a few visible changes:

We have turned off fuzzy matching when searching, and instead suggest alternative spellings if your search query didn’t return any


Links to iTunes have been added for some tracks and albums. Through the context menu it is easy to buy your favourite tracks from the

iTunes Store

The dashes that appear in automatically generated playlist names have been replaced by the typographically more correct en dashes

A bug that caused Spotify to crash when trying to play empty playlists has been fixed

Spotify 0.3.1

July 30, 2008

We have just released a new version of Spotify.

For this release:

More country top lists have been added

Browsing on Various Artists (which is not a real artist after all) has been disabled

A warning has been added, informing the user that he needs to complete the information in his profile

Links have been added to error messages where appropriate

A new class of info messages has been added and the look of all info messages has been updated

Spotify 0.3.2

August 14, 2008

We have just released a new version of Spotify. In this release:

Different versions of the same album have been grouped in the artist view

The growl notifications have been modified to support replacement of a message rather than just stacking them

The prefetching model has been modified to prefetch across track boundaries

Feedback has been added for when changing tracks is not possible due to an ad being played

The row numbers in the top list view have been right adjusted

Keyboard short cuts for changing tracks or toggling pause no longer repeat

The error message for URIs to non-existing playlists has been improved

A bug causing password reset login to be very slow has been fixed

The album header has been modified to work better with very long titles

Context menus have been added to album covers and titles in the album view

The error messages for missing tracks have been clarified

Spotify 0.3.3

September 4, 2008

We just released a new version. Spotify 0.3.3 should help some users who need to use a proxy server to connect to the Internet. If

you use a proxy server to access the web, Spotify should automatically detect your settings and just work. Also, for this version:

Settings have been added. You can use the spotify:config URI as a short cut

An updated buffer size tuning algorithm should make playback smoother over poor connections

MSN track notifications have been added

The login view has been redesigned

Spotify 0.3.4

September 18, 2008

Spotify 0.3.4 has just been released. Now you can see new music in your Spotify home. It also contains a list of artists similar to

artists you probably like. Additionally, for this version:

A bug causing reviews to overlap banners has been fixed

A problem with glyphs being rendered with incorrect vertical offset has been fixed

A bug making other resources than tracks impossible to copy has been fixed

A bug causing excessive skipping in the radio has been fixed

Spotify has been modified to only show hover effects when on top

Spotify 0.3.7

October 21, 2008

We are in the process of releasing Spotify 0.3.7. For this version of Spotify:

The menus have been restructured slightly

The bug reporting tool in the client has been modified

A bug related to non-printable characters in playlist names has been fixed

Product state has been added to the client for premium and day pass users

A bug causing incorrect hover effects has been fixed

Spotify 0.3.8

December 1, 2008

We just released Spotify 0.3.8. For this version of Spotify:

Undo for playlist operations has been added

Username and password has been added to the proxy settings

Spotify 0.3.11

February 23, 2009

We are in the process of releasing a new version of Spotify, version 0.3.11. Changes for 0.3.11 include:

Added a search button in the search field when text is entered

The bug reporting menu item has been removed

Clicking on a past search, or a search suggestion, updates the search field with that text

If you experience problems with the automatic update please download the latest version from our website.

Spotify 0.3.12

March 31, 2009

We are now rolling out Spotify 0.3.12 with the long-awaited fix for scrobbling on Mac and scrambling of proxy passwords. As mentioned earlier we have also included more download links and a Spanish translation as well as a fix for some character encoding problems.

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Nu får jag inte Spotify att fungera i mitt nyinstallerade bygge 7077... Har testat kompatibilitetslägen och allt men inget funkar, står bara att det skett ett internt fel :(

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