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Microsoft och Do Not Track

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EFF framhåller åter vikten av en stark DNT-standard:

The Importance of a Strong Do Not Track Standard
Given the proliferation of information flowing to third parties, it is critical that we develop a strong Do Not Track (DNT) standard that forbids third parties from collecting and retaining information derived from a user's visit to a website once that user has enabled DNT in her browser. Unfortunately, the W3C Tracking Protection Working Group is working on a standard that is far too watered down, and hence unlikely to offer real privacy protections to users. This leaves users exposed to data collection not only by the companies themselves, but also by the NSA and other agencies who might seek to obtain the information from these third parties. We very much hope that in the next month or so before the working group winds down, we arrive at a strong Do Not Track standard that helps to protect users from this type of abuse.


De ger även några tips om hur man kan undvika en del av spårningen: 4 Simple Changes to Stop Online Tracking
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